
Young Researcher Vision Camp 2021 - June 24th & 25th

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic this year’s Vision Camp will be held virtually via Zoom.

The programme will include

  • three keynote lectures held by senior researchers
  • six scientific sessions spanning a wide field of ophthalmology & vision research - during these sessions, only the young researchers will present themselves and their work to fellow researchers
  • one session on how to organise clinical trials

One scientific session of the Vision Camp 2021 will be dedicated to the European Training Network transMed.

During this session the Early Stage Researchers Arianna Tolone, Soumaya Belhadj, Li Huang and Meltem Kutluer will present and discuss the aims and the achieved results of their transMed projects to / with an international community of young academics from ophthalmology & vision research.

Further information as well as the final agenda can be found on the website

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4th virtual transMed meeting & training course

Due to the still critical pandemic situation also the next transMed meeting / training will be a virtual event. It will start on May 26th, end on May 28th, 2021 and will be hosted by RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.

The focus of the meeting will lie on ESR project presentations & discussions; the training part will focus on drug development and manufacturing.

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transMed Online Workshop "Scientific writing to stand out"

On February 18th and 19th, 2021 an online workshop on 'scientific writing to stand out' will be held by Dr. Matteo Garavoglia.

1st day

  • Identification of the key characteristics of a clear, engaging and persuasive text
  • How to adjust the personal style for specific needs (academic journal, PhD thesis, funding application, etc.)
  • How to structure a scientific paper
  • Guidance on pitching the manuscript to the editors of a scientific journal

2nd day

The ESRs will work with the trainer in a series of one-to-one meetings. Through this tailor-made approach, they discuss their specific situation, the challenges they face and how to craft clear, engaging and persuasive texts.

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3rd virtual transMed meeting & training course

Health and safety of the transMed consortium continues to be our highest priority. Therefore also the next transMed meeting & training course will be held virtually.

It will be a two-day event, starting on February 4th, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. and ending on February 5th, 2021 at 2:00 p.m.

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The journey to creating a sight-saving drug explained

On December 6th, 2020 transMed's Early Stage Researchers explained - step by step - the 'journey to creating a sight-saving drug'. This event was prepared and conducted by all thirteen Early Stage Researchers in collaboration with Retina International. The primary audience were patients affected by a retinal degeneration.

The video of this event is available on the Retina International YouTube channel

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From Bench to Bedside

On December 6th, 2020 transMed's Early Stage Researchers will perform a joint outreach activity for patients affected by retinal degeneration.
Due to the current COVID-19 situation this event will be held as webinar.

The following link leads you to the registration page for interested attendees:

The event is prepared and conducted by all thirteen Early Stage Researchers, together with Fiona Waters (community engagement & outreach officer of Retina International)
and with Christina Fasser (former president of Retina International and external advisor of the transMed project).

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Severe impact on transMed by Corona virus crisis

The Corona virus crisis has severely impacted the progress of the transMed project, at all levels. At the virtual consortium meeting held last week, the partners discussed on how to readjust to this situation, in particular with a view on the remaining training activities and secondments. The next face-to-face consortium meeting, with additional training courses attached, is now planned for 30th September to 2nd October 2020. Detailed planning and a final Go/No-Go decision for this meeting will be taken in early September.

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Next transMed consortium meeting will be virtually

The next transMed consortium meeting will be held only virtually, via video conferencing. In a Skype meeting held today the transMed partners decided to cancel the regular transMed consortium that was to be held from 29th June to 1st July, 2020. Instead, a virtual meeting will be held at the same time. A new programme for this meeting will be circulated to all partners in due time. Other training courses that were to be held in conjunction with the consortium meeting (including also Vision Camp, see below) will be postponed.

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Progress of the transMed impacted by Corona

The Corona virus crisis is by now severely impacting the progress of the transMed project. The transMed ESRs have compiled a document detailing on how the Corona virus crisis is affecting their individual scientific works. This document has been forwarded to our project officer at the European Commission for due consideration.

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Vision Camp 2020 has been cancelled!

The Vision Camp 2020 has been cancelled! Due to the Corona virus crises, we have had no other choice but to cancel this year’s Vision Camp. The organizers will try and do their best to instead arrange for a Vision Camp conference for young researchers in the field of vision sciences in June 2021. The transMed partners are currently evaluating the impact of this cancellation on also other planed consortium activities.

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Corona virus and the implaication on transMed

The Corona virus is starting to strongly affect the work of many if not all transMed partners. The partner lab in Italy has had to close, the labs in Czech Republic, The Netherlands, and Germany are working with reduced work hours, and further restrictions may apply soon. Travel for secondments between transMed labs has been suspended for the time being. Furthermore, the supply of certain materials and consumables, as well as access to specialized equipment has become difficult for all partners

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Preparing for the 4th general consortium meeting

The transMed ESRs, PIs, and partner organizations are preparing for the 4th general consortium meeting. The meeting will be held from January 20th to 22nd, 2020 in Reykjavik, Iceland at the premises of the transMed partner HI. Everybody is looking forward to sharing the latest scientific results with the other partners and, besides, there is a lot of excitement about seeing Iceland in Winter.

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transMed lab in Modena

The transMed lab in Modena has been successful in obtaining additional grant support for one of its ESRs. As a beneficiary of an ongoing Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) the Modena lab applied for support according to Special Needs Lump Sum allowance (SNLS) programme. This programme provides financial support for the additional costs entailed by the recruitment of ESRs with disabilities whose long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments are such that their participation in MSCA would not be possible without extra financial support. This additional support is highly welcome!

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The Young Resarcher Vision Camp 2019

The vision camp conference for young researchers in the field of vision science will be held in Castle Wildenstein from July 12th to 14th.

TransMed fellows will attend this meeting and present their first results to their peers from all over Europe. Please find further information on the meeting website:

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The second transMed training course in Prague, Czech Republic

The second transMed training course on the fabrication of advanced drug delivery systems by electrostatic methods (electrospinning, electrospraying) is approaching and will be held from 16th to 18th February at the premises of partner InoCure in Prague, Czech Republic

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The first transMed early stage researchers (ESR) have taken up their positions in April 2018

We welcome everybody and look forward to a fruitful work together! We will soon post their names and academic profiles on this website. transMed partners currently expect to fill most ESR positions by August this year.

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The first transMed consortium meeting and training course

The first transMed consortium meeting and training course is to be held from 18th to 21st September 2018 at Lund University in Sweden. A detailed programme will be sent out to project partners in July.